Tathālokā Therī
February 17, 2019

Celebrating the Sangha Day Full Moon -- Magha Puja, Navam Poya, Mahapajapati Parinibbana Day, Day of Miracles.
Dear friends, we begin to draw near to this February's "Sangha Day" Full Moon ~
Remembered in Theravada traditions as:
the day on which the early Sangha of arahantas, having been sent forth in all directions by the Blessed One for "bahujana hitaya, bahujana sukhaya"- "the welfare and happiness of the many", returned all back together again as one Sangha
the day on which the Buddha taught the Ovada Patimokkha
and, years later the day on which the Buddha announced his impending Maha Parinibbana after three months time.
In the Early Buddhist teachings recorded in the Taisho Tripitaka, in the Chinese parallel to the Pali-text Gotami Theri Apadana, this special February Full Moon is also remembered as a very important day for women in Buddhism:
the day of the Parinibbana of Mahapajapati Gotami Theri and a large cohort of her arahant bhikkhuni companions who entered monastic life together, and had strong meritorious past life kamma together.
And in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions as:
the Day of Miracles: at Savatthi (Sravasti) the day the Buddha was challenged by other groups of ascetics, and to prove himself to them performed miracles for 15 days during this period of time.
Dear friends, most Buddhist temples and monasteries will be having some sort of observance, remembrance, or celebration either today, or on the real February Full Moon Day this year, Feb 19th. Encourage you to make it a special day of practice and remembrance, however you can.
I will be offering a special "Meditate Till Midnight" meditation at
Dhammadharini Monastery in the Sonoma Mountain area of Penngrove CA from 9pm to midnight. Welcome to join us -- quietly! -- our monastic community is in the midst of our Winter Retreat.
May all be well!
May all be auspicious!
May all grow in the Dhamma!
-- in the Path!
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! Anumodama!