The Dhammadharini is a stewardship foundation, stewarding the monetary gifts of the community of lay friends and supporters of our Bhikkhuni Sangha, in providing the Bhikkhunis’ community with the traditional four requisites of monastic life: alms food, lodging, robes, and medicine, together with contemporary requisites like transportation, and supports for Dhamma study and teaching.
Since the Bhikkhunis and Samaneris of our Dhammadharini Sangha, per the ancient precepts of our Forest & Insight traditions, cannot keep or handle money, and the Bhikkhunis can only eat or drink that which is offered to them on the morning of any given day, our monastics are completely dependent on the lay community for their physical support. From the time of the Buddha, according to the way the Buddha himself chose to live after his Awakening, support for the monastic life has been provided through such daily acts of generosity, in a beneficial and harmonious symbiosis with the lay community.
Through the help of generous lay people, our Bhikkhunis are able to live this ancient Path as monastics and spiritual seekers fully holding the precepts of the Vinaya. This commitment to support the Bhikkhuni Sangha creates a rewarding relationship, and the spiritual friendship that develops is a beautiful and precious gift from the Buddha.
Those who wish to be a part of supporting our Bhikkhunis’ whole life path, practice and teaching, and the blessings and merits thereof, will find helpful information here about how you may contribute that will be most helpful and supportive.
Dhammadharini is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the State of California with Federal church status. Your financial and in-kind donations may be tax deductible.

Current Projects
Alliance for Bhikkhunis
Spearheading support for bhikkhunis internationally during the time of COVID, Alliance for Bhikkhunis is an independent organization, not part of Dhammadharini.
Useful Things List
It is traditional in Theravada Buddhism for lay supporters to regularly and faithfully offer the basic requisites of life to the monastic community (Pali: parikkhāra, Sinhala: pirikara, Thai: borikan), such as soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, etc.. For a list of items which are currently needed by the community, please see the Useful Things List. Anumodana!

Other Ways to Give
Offering a Meal at the Monastery
Offering a prepared meal or groceries to the monastic community provides an opportunity to visit.
Per the traditional Bhikkhu-Bhikkhuni “Middle Way” path of monastic training, the monastic community must finish eating their main meal by solar noon. If you wish to offer a freshly-prepared meal, please plan to arrive by 10 AM. When offering the meal at the monastery or hermitage, the kitchen manager can help explain the protocol for offering food to the bhikkhunis, as well as our COVID safety protocols. If you are interested in offering a meal please contact the monastery or hermitage. The on-site kitchen manager would also be happy to provide a list of grocery items which are currently needed.
Volunteering from Near and Far
The Dhammadharini community welcomes those who are interested to volunteer their time and energy in support of the community, either locally or remotely. Please contact us if you have skills you would like to offer! A wide variety of skills may be helpful - such as driving monastics for local appointments, help with gardening (or forestry at our hermitage), graphic design, audio editing, Zoom technical support, and many others.
Additionally there may also be opportunities to join a committee which helps to care for the monastery or hermitage facilities, organizes volunteers or fundraisers; or for lay community leadership in service as an officer or director on our Dhammadharini Support Foundation Board of Directors.
Monastic Life Immersion Visits
We also welcome those who would like to spend time immersed within the monastic community, offering service, while experiencing living the monastic way of life together. During this time of pandemic, we strive to mindfully support the safety of both our monastic community and our resident visitors. Please see our Visit page for more information.
Long-term Resident Stewardship
For visitors who have spent time with our monastic community and found it beneficial for their growth, who wish to practice this way of life over the longer term, we have opportunities both for longer-term residential stewardship as a layperson, as well as opportunities to enter monastic life, including both novice and full Buddhist ordination.

Dana Calendar
Our Dana Calendar helps us remember all of the friends who support the community with recurring financial donations for the requisites, and in-person meal offerings:

Making a Financial Donation
Thank you and "anumodana!" for your support!
Dhammadharini Support Foundation is the steward (kappiya-karika) of our Dhammadharini Bhikkhuni Sangha. Donations in support of our Dhammadharini Bhikkhunis' community can be made via Dhammadharini Support Foundation by credit or debit card, check, wire transfer or bank transfer.
Secure online donations can be made through PayPal or Network for Good. Please note, Network for Good donations can only be made by USA residents. International donations can be made via Xoom.
To tell us how you would like your donation to be used, please use the memo line or designation line in PayPal or Network for Good. You are welcome to add a dedication, if your gift is dedicated to a loved one or special meaning. If there is no designation, your gift will be used where most needed.
For international donors, we are able to receive donations by Xoom; please contact us
for the necessary details.
Check or
Money Order
Donations by check or money order (U.S. funds only please) can be made payable to:
Dhammadharini Support Foundation
6791 Sturtevant Drive
Penngrove, CA 94951

Here they rejoice, there they rejoice –
the doer of benevolent deeds rejoices in both places,
finding joy, inspiration and great gladness
in seeing the fulfillment of their pure intentions and deeds.
— the Buddha, Dhammapada 16