Bhikkhuni Sangha monastic community
San Francisco North Bay
Community Blogs

A wise sutta encouraging helping hearts and helping hands
Kāruññaṁyeva upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ
Anuddayāyeva upaṭṭhāpetabbā
Anukampāyeva upaṭṭhāpetabbā
"Do whatever you can to serve and take care with compassion"
"Do whatever you can to serve and take care with kindness"
"Do whatever you can to serve and take care with empathy"
- Tathālokā Therī
Upcoming Events
- Feb 20, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PSTSpecial Aṭṭhamī Half-Moon Uposatha Program
- OngoingEvery Sunday afternoon at 1:00 pm: Read and discuss the teachings of the Buddha. On Zoom and in-person at Dhammadharini Monastery.
- OngoingEvery Sunday morning at 9:00am: Guided Buddhist Meditation & time for questions, on Zoom and in-person at Dhammadharini Monastery
- OngoingGather together for meditation and a talk based on the Buddha's teachings every Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
Latest YouTube Teachings
Dispel the five hindrances with the four divine abidings
Guided meditation, Dhamma reflection and a time for questions, with Ayya Sobhana. Acknowledging the power and persistence of the five hindrances which prevent deep meditation and weaken wisdom. If mindful awareness is not enough to dispel them, try adding kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity to the mix.
For the pure in heart, it’s always the sabbath
This program includes reading and discussion of a sutta from the Pali canon. This week, we discuss “The Simile of the Cloth” Vatthūpama Sutta MN7 with its wonderful similes for purification, joy, and boundless meditation.
Many kinds of people
Guided meditation, Dhamma reflection and a time for questions, with Ayya Sobhana. In the suttas, the divine abidings meditation is expressed in terms of the boundless pervasion in every direction with loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. Later Buddhist traditions speak of this practice directed to diverse individuals and types of people. Both approaches are powerful!

Dhammadharini means
"Upholding the Dhamma" in the female form
We are a community of seekers, supporters, practitioners and teachers inspired by the Theravada Forest and Insight traditions, the Early Buddhist teachings of Mindfulness & Insight, and the Bhikkhunis' way of monastic life.
"According to the Buddha’s teaching, our best chance for enlightenment is not in a heavenly realm, but here in midst of elements and aggregates, within these bodies which age and sicken, among the earth, rain, wind, fire and consciousness elements. We wake up here, not in another ideal place.
This is the ideal place."
— Ayya Tathālokā, Founding Teacher