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Celebrating the legacy of courageous women in early Buddhism
The wisdom of Bhikkhunī Sangha in modern Buddhism


Bhikkhuni Sangha monastic community
San Francisco North Bay

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Ringing in the New Year with the Arahants

Celebrating Awakening of the first Bhikkhuni Arahants Beyond India On the full moon of December, Dhammadharini and many people around the world celebrated Sanghamitta Day. 

Making it real !

This program includes reading and discussion of a sutta from the Pali canon. This week, Ayya Sobhana will discuss “The Simile of the Saw” MN21. This sutta tells of several stories about real-life conflict, and how to sustain the heart of loving kindness through it all.

Spreading loving kindness in all directions

Guided meditation and a time for questions with Ayya Sobhana


Dhammadharini means
"Upholding the Dhamma" in the female form

We are a community of seekers, supporters, practitioners and teachers inspired by the Theravada Forest and Insight traditions, the Early Buddhist teachings of Mindfulness & Insight, and the Bhikkhunis' way of monastic life.

"According to the Buddha’s teaching, our best chance for enlightenment is not in a heavenly realm, but here in midst of elements and aggregates, within these bodies which age and sicken, among the earth, rain, wind, fire and consciousness elements. We wake up here, not in another ideal place.

This is the ideal place."

— Ayya Tathālokā, Founding Teacher

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